‘A Step towards being in the lap of nature.’

SNEH Vatika is an inspiration to all those who seek a cleaner and greener environment. SNEH Vatika houses a varied selection of herbs and flowers enabling the students learn about a range of gardening practices like planting, cultivation techniques and sustainability.

The main attractions of SNEH Vatika are the different plant groups one can witness there. There are ‘Medicinal Herbs’ such as Euphorbia, Bryophyllum, Aloe Vera, Chrysanthemums, Tulsi etc., ‘Culinary Herbs’ such as Curry leaves, Mint, Coriander, Sage etc. and even ‘Air Purifiers’ like Peace Lily, Ball Lily and a variety of palms. SNEH Vatika has Xerophytes such as Cactus, Agave, Euphorbia, etc. as well. Children are often made to visit SNEH Vatika with the aim of making the process of learning more interesting.