‘Practice leads to language learning success.’

In an endeavor to make language learning more effective, SNEH International School provides the students with an ‘English Language Lab’, wherein the students get more resources and varied activities than in a traditional classroom. With the facilities in the Language Lab, learning occurs in a structured and fun-filled way, making learning visually attractive and immersing the students in the language learning environment while promoting language use.

Good communication skills are indispensable of any language. Language lab plays an important role in the language learning process. At SNEH, we too have the state of the art English Language Lab with innovation tools like Digital Multimedia Control, Headphones, and Microphones to assist the students with the most appropriate pronunciation.

The Language Lab offers web-assisted material, internet connectivity and audio-visual aids. The multiplication Hi-Tech Language laboratory allows students to listen, to model pronunciation, repeat and record the same. The students’ progress can be monitored regularly so that the teachers can provide feedback on individual pace and ability. Students can learn the lesson at their own pace.